***Classes at 8am and 9am only today***
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Teams of 3
3 rounds:
8 Minutes to complete:
- 600 Meter Run (200m each, relay style)
AMRAP for the remaining time,
- 21 Slam Balls (7 each)
- 15 Ramp Runs with Slam Ball (alternate)
- 9 Dumbbell Man Makers, 35,25# (alternate)
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds
In this workout one team member will be working at a time. Each round begins with a 600 meter relay run as a buy in. Once that is complete, you will begin the AMRAP and work until 8 minutes expires. Rest for 3 minutes and repeat, starting where you left off in the previous round. Starting One team member will always be holding the slam ball even during the rest phase.