Window Wod
Tuesday, October 12, 2015
In a 10 Minute Window:
- 1 Mile Run, Max Squat Snatch, (135,95)(115,75)(75,55)(55,35)
Rest 3:00
In a 7 Minute Window:
- 800 Meter Run, Max Power Cleans, (135,95)(115,75)(75,55)(55,35)
Rest 3:00
In a 4 Minute Window:
- 400 Meter Run, Max Thrusters, (135,95)(115,75)(75,55)(55,35)
Today’s wod comes to us from You will have 3 rounds in which you complete a run distance and then, in the time left, max reps of a barbell movement. You score is based off of the reps for each round. There is a 3 minute rest between rounds. Let’s get outside and enjoy this nice weather!