Press On!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


  • 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


For Time:

  • 30 Thrusters(135,95)(115,75)(95,65)(55,35)Change stronger

*Every minute on the minute until 30 reps is complete, perform 3 bar facing burpees(starting at 3-2-1 go)

Today you will be adding 10 lbs to your current press max.  You then will take 90% of that number for your working weight to plug into today’s sets.  On your last set, if you come up with a number that is more than your current max, you have done the math wrong.  No one should have a set that is a PR for 1 rep.  If you have questions or need some help with the numbers grab a Coach.  We will be retesting our maxes in July so stay the course and follow the program as it is written to see some big gains.  Stronger than yesterday!