Back Squat & EMOM

Friday, October 10, 2014

Back Squat: 5×3 @ 85% 1 rep max (1 set every 3 mins)


12 Minute EMOM:

Even Minutes:

  • 5 Power Snatches(95,65)(75,55)(65,45)(55,35)Jump 2
  • 7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
  • Max rep Double Unders(Lat bar jumps)(single skips)

Odd Minutes:

  • Rest

Its time to squat again!  This week our Friday set count is down but the percentage is a little higher.  5 sets of 3 reps at 85% will be a good challenge to end the week.  Our metcon is an EMOM(every minute on the minute) where you work for a minute and then rest for a minute.  Your score is based on the amount of reps you get doing double unders, lat jumps, or singles.  Have a great weekend!