
Friday, April 18, 2014

Back squat: 60%x5, 70%x3, 80%x2, 90%x2, 95%x1

Front squat: 65%x5, 75%x4, 80%x4, 85%x4



5 minutes to complete:

  • 500 Meter Row
  • 50 Kettlebell Swings(53,35)(44,26)(26,18)
  • 5 Muscle ups(10 Toes to bar, 10 clapping push-ups)(10 sit-ups, 10 push-ups)

We knew the day would come when the squats would get heavy again.  It is time.  Get some weight on the bar and squat through it.  Most of the class time will be devoted to making this happen.  Afterwards we have a short wod that is both for time and an AMRAP.  If you can complete all of the movements in under 5 minutes, it is for time.  If you don’t complete it in 5 minutes, it is an AMRAP.  Either way it will be awesome.  Have fun and have a great weekend!