Use your New Maxes

Monday, March 17, 2014:

Back Squat: 75%x4, 80%x4, 80%x4, 80%x4

Front Squat: 60%x5, 65%x5, 705×5, 70%x5


Double unders!

Double unders!

7 Minute AMRAP:

  • 10 Alternating Pistols(Modified pistol)(air squat)
  • 30 Double unders(60 single skips)(30 single skips)

Nice work on all of the squat pr’s last week!  Today we will use those new maxes.  Plug them into the percentages and get some squats on.  After that, we will do some one legged squats and double unders.  This week is the last week of the Nutrition Challenge.  Keep up the good work and make sure to get re-tested for body comp as well as re-test the baseline wod.  Thursday will be the wod re-test.  Let us know if you can’t make it then and we will make some other arrangements.  Have a great week!