Back Squat/Front Squat

CFBC on the ice!

CFBC on the ice!

We are excited to show off our new website!  This is just one more improvement in our quest to be the best.  Today we are also beginning a new strength program with an Olympic lifting bias.  This program comes from Olympic lifting Coach Mike Burgener and his gym  We will be following this program for 6-7 weeks.  On Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s we will work through days of Olympic lifting, back squats and front squats.  There is some added volume especially during the squat days.  We will all have to make sure to work diligently to have enough time to get through all of it.  There was much improvement with the work we did through December so we are really excited to see how you all improve and get stronger in the weeks to come.

Workout of the Day(WOD) 1/13/2014:

Back Squat: 60%x10, 70%x8, 75%x6, 80%x4

Front Squat: 60%x5, 70%x5x3 sets



  • Burpees
  • Toes to Bar(Knee raises)