New Day

Monday, March 16, 2015


  • Build up to a 1 rep max


10 Minutes, every minute on the minute (EMOM):

Brett taking on 15.3

Brett taking on 15.3

  • Odd Minutes: 200 Meter Sprint
  • Even Minutes: 7 Power Cleans (155,105)(135,95)(95,65)(55,35)

Everyone did an awesome job on 15.3.  Scaled and RX’d killed it!  This week we will continue to improve our fitness.  We start out today with some jerks from the rack.  This will be a great time to perfect either your push jerk or split jerk.  Our conditioning wod will be an EMOM where we get to go outside and enjoy the weather.  Run hard and don’t let up on the power cleans each minute.