Keep it Moving

Saturday, April 11, 2015

30 Minute AMRAP:

  • 800 Meter Run
  • 25 AbMat Situps
    Not dead, can't quit!

    Not dead, can’t quit!

  • 400 Meter Farmers Carrry (1 kettlebell, switching sides every time that you break.)*

*The coaches will help you pick a weight 🙂

Today is all about keeping moving.  This will be the longest workout of the week.  We have sprinted under 5, worked between 10-15 minutes and spent some time in the mid 20’s this week.  You have to keep everything that you do constantly varied according to time, distance, load and reps.  Set a steady pace today and keep moving.  A mindset of “I will not stop” will get you through every second of this.  In the end, all we want to do is improve fitness and have a good time doing it.  Crush it!