Build It

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bench Press:

  • Build to a 1 rep max

Then,lion hunt

For Time:

  • 10-8-6-4-2 Handstand Pushup(box)
  • 2-4-6-8-10 Power Clean (135,95)(115,75)(95,65)(55,35)

There were a lot of PRs Monday and I am sure you guys will be throwing up some big weight again today.  Make sure to grab a buddy to spot you when you start getting into those heavy sets.  A good way to attack this is to build through a set of 5’s and 3’s (building) and then work into the 1’s.  Have a game plan as to what range you want to attempt at the end and go after it.  Our metcon has two movements with alternate rep schemes.  The first round would be 10 HSPU and 2 power cleans.  Keep the cleans fairly light today so that you don’t disrupt your 1 rep max power clean coming up this Friday.