New Day

Monday,  July 27, 2015

Back squat: (rest 2 minutes between sets)

  • 60%x5, 70%x3, 80%x 2, 90%x 2, 95%x 1.

*Rest 5 minutes, then:

Front squat:  (rest 2 minutes between sets)

  • 65%x5, 75%x5, 80%x 4, 85%x 4.change 2


3 Minute AMRAP:

  • 50 Pushups
  • Max meter row

Extra Core/Accessory:(not for time)

3 rounds:

  • 10x weighted back extensions (AHAP)

-rest 90 seconds

  • 20x weighted sit ups (AHAP)

-rest as needed

Today we are starting an Olympic lifting biased program.  It will all be coming from USA Weightlifting Coach Mike Burgener and  We will follow this for a few months evaluating as we go.  In addition to each day’s wod there will be some core/accessory work that you can do on your own after class if you choose.  As always, the key is staying consistent.  No matter what, show up and you will improve.  We will be scaling as needed for each athlete.